[Permatopia] Monday: Rally, petition to Preserve/Revitalize Kesey Square: email me to approve your name on petition (next email)

Kathy Ging kathy at kathyging.com
Sun Jan 24 14:43:22 CST 2016

Update: rally, petition, articles:  Preserve/revitalize Kesey Square (aka Broadway Plaza):
RALLY MONDAY, Jan. 25, 2016 at Harris Hall (8th and Oak, Eugene) 
6:30 pm (before Eugene City Council Meeting 7:30 pm ) 
pls. attend - we want a few hundred people there!

Pls. email me if you approve your name going on the petition - text being sent in next email 
Names will be provided to Eugene City Council. (Emails and phone numbers if provided to us will not be included.)

UPDATE ON KESEY SQUARE (aka Broadway Plaza)
Big Broadway reveal: City nveils three plans to reshape Eugene’s Kesey Square <+19 comments>

The City Council is expected to discuss the proposals sometime in February.

Eugene Weekly has an article too and on its Facebook page

Eugene Weekly shared Crystal Webb's post.

The Kesey Square revolution begins...

Kesey Square Decision: What’s the Big Rush?

REGARDING PETITION to Revive, Revitalize Kesey Square:

We gathered 130+ signatures and are collecting more in the next few weeks to turn in to Eugene City Council.
(see text in next email).

If you want to approve of your name being PRINTED and turned in - pls. email me at kathy at kathyging.com and I will add your name -
also pls. provide the AREA of EUGENE in which you reside!  It is relevant to contact your city councilor by email or send an email
to whole Council, Mayor and City manager at:   

<mayorcouncilandcitymanager at ci.eugene.or.us>

ask them to PRESERVE and REVITALIZE Kesey Square - NOT to sell it to a developer -
one of the last two open public meeting spaces in central downtown!

(If you do not live in Eugene city limits or an area of River Rd. / Santa Clara that has the right to vote for City Council - 
pls. do not send me your approval or sign the petition.)  Half of that area DOES vote for Council, EWEB, etc. - half DOES NOT.

Copies of the blank petition are available at Stargate Video, Willamette near 14th, open 11 am - 6 pm Mon. thru Sat.
OR EMAIL me and I will email you a copy for you to print out. kathy at kathyging.com

We encourage everyone to attend a rally at Harris Hall, 8th and Oak (Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza)

this Monday, JANUARY 25,  6:30 pm - make a sign if you can!

(Signs are not be raised during the Council meeting, however.)

7:30 pm is Council meeting where we encourage people to sign up and speak at the open mic.

Seven people met yesterday to initiate a steering committee: we discussed the idea of starting a group called Friends of Kesey Square
similar to Friends of Congress Square that saved a public space in Portland, Maine, from an apartment building in their public square.
This was a discussion topic, no decision yet at this point but if there is interest, that could develop!

describes Congress Square Park in Portland, Maine, as an urban oasis!

Developers/architects who produced a pamphlet on their proposed development - a 5 story building on Kesey Square -
refer to it as:  Eugene's last _pit_ and _a dead corner_. www.2eastbroadway.com    NO WAY! 

Eugene Celebration activities have occurred there as have OCCUPY meetings, poetry, dance, Solstice celebrations, and other venues... and a lama visited it! 

Also, Save Kesey Square was one of two last letters to the editor that activist Peg Morton wrote before she transcended published in both papers!!
Help fulfill one of her last wishes!

~-~   ~-~   ~-~   ~-~   ~-~   ~-  
Kathy Ging, M.A., G.R.I.
Email: kathy at kathyging.com
WEB:  http://kathyging.com

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